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Month: March, 2020

My Kind Of Woman

I’ve always thought of myself as open-minded. I try not to pass judgment on others and as long as things don’t directly affect me, I really don’t care. With that being said, I’m guilty of having a stereotype in my head about what kind of people would do webcams. You see, I didn’t have any personal experience so I just came up with what I thought would be the kind of people that would do them. Terrible, I know.

I decided one night to see for myself what all the hype was about. I went to Cam BB and instantly realized just how wrong I’d been. Now don’t get me wrong, there are people like barbarasexappel that are exactly as I imagined. Young, hot as hell, horny as fuck, and eager to make money. What I wasn’t prepared for were the horny couples, lonely housewives, barely legal babes, and even shemales. You can find performers from every walk of life. I’ve never been so wrong and I owe a lot of these people an apology.